The Bank Campaign that Saved Over $1M in Annual Expenses

As more banks make their offerings more digital, it’s not always a given that their customers will make the switch, too. While new digital options like mobile apps, web chat, and online banking can largely make customers’ banking more convenient, old habits of driving to a branch or calling customer service die hard.
This was the case for Academy Bank and Armed Forces Bank, who approached us to develop a campaign that would raise awareness and encourage more adoption of their digital banking tools.
After getting a solid tactics plan in place for both banks that included email, website banners, online banking banners, and monthly bank statement messages, we developed several creative concepts.
The final, chosen direction focused on showing customers that, by using digital tools, they can spend less time banking and more time doing the things they love or would rather be doing in life—things like going to the park or hanging with family and friends.
Simple? Yes. But authentic and compelling considering most brands try to convince you to spend more time with them, not less. It’s a strategy that proved successful, as the results for this campaign have been particularly staggering:
- Mobile deposits more than doubled.
- The number of customers signed up for mobile banking increased to almost 70% for Academy Bank and 56% for Armed Forces Bank.
- Call volume dropped over 15%, saving the company well over $1M in annual expenses.